Gum surgery for confident smile

Gum plastic surgery

  •  CCL dentist
  • Surgery price : Decision after consultation

Hospital Graph

  • Specialty

    Brand awareness





Procedure time -
Anesthesia -
Hospitalization -
Removal of stitches -
Outpatient treatment -
Recovery time -
This is gum plastic surgery without burden.
It decide after check for bone and gum condition with 3 dimention CT analysis

After surgery decision, Put anesthesia with painless computer make patients to reduce of anesthesia and almost no pain.

Procedure will process rarely blooding with water laser,
Patients can take meal after operation.
There’ not much swallowing and convenient so,
It is burdenless procedure.


Gum plastic surgery for who have gummy smile
(People who have much gum expose
when they smile can take confident smile)
Accurate for
No pain for
time make short

Special story of Fix me up project team

We look for the best hospitals for an operation and monitor each facility’s service, satisfaction, and every case of the customers to ensure that we provide the surgery at the best condition and the lowest cost.

Before & After